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10th Unit 5 - Informational Writing on Human Rights Issues: Home

Companion libguide to help students choose a topic related to the Unit 5 tasks and our anchor text (Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House").

Unit 5 - Introduction & Descrpition

Many Americans are unaware of the adversity and conflict present throughout the world today.

Harvard University is hosting an International Panel on Human Rights with the aim of highlighting

global successes as well as ongoing struggles. The panel reserves the rights to publish findings from

the discussion to aid in its purpose of increasing cultural awareness. This year’s slogan is “Adversity,

Conflict, and Change around the World.” Student panels need to research, explore, and discover the

struggles and successes in other regions around the world and how these struggles and successes

have shaped them as a group of people.

In Unit 5, students will be reading Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and researching topics related to gender roles, culture, and inequality. The topics selected as options for Unit 5 are:

  • Culture & Gender
  • Divorce
  • Gender Equality
  • Identity Theft
  • Marriage
  • Poverty
  • Restrictions on Women
  • Women's Rights

In addition to this libguide and the provided resources, students are encouraged to peruse the Gale Global Issues in Context database, accessible through the Etowah High School Media Center page and linked below


DIRECTIONS for LIBGUIDE - Use the tabs to navigate through the eight potential topics to choose from for Unit 5. Each tab will contain a brief overview of the topic as well as a selection of articles and other sources to use as material for research. You will be using your chosen topic and this libguide for every assignment related to Tasks 1-4 in Unit 5 so CHOOSE CAREFULLY!

A Doll's House - Course Hero Analysis

GALE Global Issues in Context Database

Tips for Writing Research Questions