Topics include:
* Trevor Noah (Life, job, parents, education, accomplishments, etc.)
* Nelson Mandela (Life, famous quotes, what he is know for, accomplishments, etc.)
* Apartheid in South Africa
* Apartheid Laws in South Africa
* Race Classification during Apartheid in South Africa
* Uprisings due to the protesting Apartheid
* Apartheid's lingering effects on South Africa
* Zulu tribe in South Africa (Customs, lifestyle, language, characteristics, etc.)
* Xhosa tribe in South Africa (Customs, lifestyle, language, characteristics, etc.)
* Social Conservatism in South Africa
* Social Conservatism in South Africa
* Organization of African Unity
* Topography and Geography of South Africa (Physical characteristics, land formations, flora, fauna, climate, bodies of water, etc.)
* Imports and Exports of South Africa
* Witchcraft in South Africa (During Apartheid and Now)
* The National Party in South Africa
* Dutch Colonization in South Africa
* Bantustan in South Africa
* Languages Spoken in South Africa
DIRECTIONS for LIBGUIDE - Use the tabs to navigate through the your potential topics. Each tab will contain a brief overview of the topic as well as a selection of articles and other sources to use as material for research.