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Multimedia Sonnet Project - Mrs. Loversky: Home

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The newest way to present your poem is with video! Think in terms of a music video or even a movie trailer, but  the main difference is that a movie trailer already has visual images to work with - clips from the film. With your sonnet, you have to convert the written words into visual images. The trick is to convey a sense of what the poem is about without distracting your viewer with disharmonious sounds or images.

Your goal is two-fold:  you must write an original sonnet following the sonnet guidelines and expectations; then you must create a multimedia presentation that combines your words with images and sounds that bring your poem to life.

Great Sonnet Writers from History

William Shakespeare

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edmund Spenser

John Donne


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

John Milton

John Keats

Media Specialist